Jesus Didn't Tithe Book

Many Christians assume Jesus tithed, but this common belief might surprise you. As an observant Jew living under Mosaic Law, Jesus actually didn't tithe as we understand it today. The Law prescribed specific tithing requirements for landowners and farmers, which didn't apply to Jesus's situation as a craftsman.

On the other hand, Paul, once a strict Pharisee, initially burdened himself and his followers with numerous extra-biblical laws to demonstrate their righteousness. However, after his dramatic conversion to Christianity, Paul abandoned this legalistic approach, including the practice of tithing.

But how can we be certain about these claims? The answer lies within the Bible itself. Scripture clearly outlines who was required to tithe under Mosaic Law and under what circumstances. This raises important questions for modern believers:

Are you adhering to laws that don't actually apply to you?

What are the spiritual and practical consequences of following or disregarding these laws?

Is it even possible to keep all the laws?

This book delves deep into the biblical text, examining the historical context of tithing, its use throughout Scripture, and its relevance for contemporary Christians. We'll explore how Jesus's teachings on generosity and stewardship differ from the Old Testament tithing system, and how Paul's letters reshape our understanding of giving in the New Covenant.

By understanding the true biblical perspective on tithing, readers will gain fresh insights into God's heart for generosity, the freedom we have in Christ, and how to approach financial stewardship in a way that honors God without falling into legalism.

Whether you're a pastor, a long-time tither, or someone questioning church financial practices, this book will challenge your assumptions and equip you with a solid biblical foundation for generous living in the 21st century.